Trauma and the Politics of Emotions: Constituting Identity, Security and Community after the Bali Bombing
1. Abstract
This essay examines how traumatic events can infl uence the constitution of community in international relations. Trauma is often perceived as isolating individuals and fragmenting communities. This essay argues, in contrast, that practices of representation can make traumatic events meaningful in ways that give them a collective and often international dimension. Central to this process is the role played by emotions. Often neglected in scholarly analysis of international relations, emotions play a crucial political role during times of crisis and can become pivotal sites for the renewal of political stability and social control. The essay illustrates the ensuing dynamics by examining media portrayals of the Bali bombing of 12 October 2002. Focusing on photographs and the stories that accompany them, the essay shows how representations of trauma can provide a sense of collective feeling that is capable of underpinning political community. It concludes by suggesting that international relations scholars can learn much about the politics of community and security by examining prominent representations of trauma and the emotional discourses they mobilise. Keywords: Bali bombing, community, emotion/s, media, representation, textual and visual analysis, trauma.
Keywords: Bali bombing, community, emotion/s, media, representation, textual and visual analysis, trauma
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